Store credits and bitcoins for referring users

Please sign in to see your referral URL

Information about the affiliate system

You get 10% commission from Bitcoin payments made by your referrals.

You get 20% commission in store credits for other payments.

You can attach the "?r=" part after almost any URL on the main TorVPN website.

The referral cookie works for 30 days after the first visit. If the signup happens during that period, you have a new referral.

You benefit from payments made by your referral for one year after their registration date.

Store credits are not issued when your balance is 100 GBP or above.

No commission is granted for payments made in store credit.

Commissions received remain pending for 48 hours.

Payouts are issued once daily.

The minimum for Bitcoin payouts is 0.01 BTC.

To receive bitcoins, make sure that you have entered your BTC address.

Spam policy

IMPORTANT: no type of spam is tolerated (e-mail, SEO, chat). Please only become an affiliate if you have friends, followers or customers who are likely interested in TorVPN. We reserve the right to take back store credits, cancel pending crypto-currency payouts or suspend the affiliate's account at our discretion (breach of the Terms by the affiliate or their referral, spamming, reversed payments, refunds).